
Rock concert

Movie Murderers (2006)
Main site of the marina of La Rochelle, the port of Minimes was created in 1972 after two years of work. Port hosting a metal concert in Meurtrières.
Port des Minimes
Port des Minimes. Wikimedia.

“It’s horrible. He doesn’t love me anymore.”

Lizzy (Céline Sallette)

The rock concert scene was one of the most complicated to shoot. The production asked the metal band Silth to perform on stage, in a disused area of the port of Minimes in La Rochelle. About fifty extras were requisitioned to constitute the public. Patrick Grandperret turns his lens around the pogoers while the music explodes in the speakers. In a certain hubbub, the director yells to stop everything when one of his assistants rushes towards Hande Kodja. The director exclaims: “We’re in the crazy house. I want to punch you all in the face! You all have to be next to me, you don’t follow what I’m shooting.“. The make-up artist incriminated answers that the actress needed a connection. To which Patrick Grandperret retorts: “No one brings the actors unless I ask them to! One day I’ll get mad!“. On the set, everyone is pale. Known for his temper tantrums, Patrick Grandpererret eventually resumed filming but things did not get any easier.

To attract extras, the production promised free beer on tap. The fifty spectators are soon in an advanced state of inebriation. Caught in the throat by a very tight production schedule, imposed by a budget also very limited, 1.5 million euros, the filmmaker manages to complete the sequence in three hours.


Meurtrières is inspired by the same story as Messidor, by Alain Tanner, released in France in 1979.

Meurtrières concert
Meurtrières. Tous droits réservés : Les Films du Worso/Canal.
Meurtrières concert de rock
Meurtrières. Tous droits réservés : Les Films du Worso/Canal.

Port Des Minimes

Main site of the marina of La Rochelle, the port of Minimes was created in 1972 after two years of work.

With a little more than 5,000 berths and 15 km of pontoons, the Port des Minimes is an integral part of the Old Port of La Rochelle. A very busy tourist site lined with small shops, bars and other typical restaurants, it hosts several cultural events, including the Grand Pavois, a meeting dedicated to sea enthusiasts that attracts nearly 80,000 visitors each year.

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By Gilles Rolland

Monday, May 2, 2022

Passionné de cinéma, de rock and roll, de séries TV et de littérature. Rédacteur de presse et auteur des livres Le Heavy Metal au cinéma, Paroles de fans Guns N' Roses, Paroles de fans Rammstein et Welcome to my Jungle : 100 albums rock et autres anecdotes dépareillées. Adore également voyager à la recherche des lieux les plus emblématiques de la pop culture.

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