

TV show Willow (2022)
Princess Kit (Ruby Cruz) and her companions have traveled throughout the kingdom of Tir Asleen to finally arrive in the forest where the Nelwyns people live. It is here that they meet the great magician Willow (Warwick Davis). Sequences notably shot in the forest of Taf Fechan in Wales.
Taf Fechan
Taf Fechan by Robin Drayton geograph. Wikimedia.

“The world needs you again. It needs your magic.”

Princess Kit (Ruby Cruz)

American super production, the series Willow, is, like the movie of the same name, the work of Lucasfilm. However, the filming did not take place in the United States, but on the European continent, in the natural landscape of Wales. The showrunners even chose to build sets in the Dragon Studios, a local structure. The forest of Taf Fechan, one of the most beautiful in the country, was one of the sites used for the many sequences taking place in the woods.

The return of the magician

Willow allowed Warwick Davis to assume once again, 35 years later, the clothes of Willow, the famous magician. The actor having reacted to this return during an interview given to the site Collider: “For years, it’s been talked about, not by anyone official, but by the fans. They’ve constantly pestered me, saying, “When are we going to see a sequel to that movie?”. And it’s a question that I could never answer, until I met Jon Kasdan, who I understood was also a fan.”

From Star Wars to Willow

The project began to be discussed by the two men on the set of Solo, the Star Wars film about Han Solo. Jon Kasdan said: “I came at it as a fan, and they came at it as the creators, and they found a champion in me.”


George Lucas, the originator, producer and creator of the Willow universe, was not involved in the series at all.

Willow saison 1
Willow scène de forêt. Tous droits réservés : Lucasfilm

Taf Fechan Forest

A natural treasure nestled within the Brecon Beacons National Park, Taf Fechan Forest encourages many walks.

Taf Fechan is a hardwood forest with small picturesque streams running through it. The steep valleys and limestone cliffs give it its spectacular side while the trees and paths underline its fairytale side. It is also home to many animal species such as the jay, the buzzard, the tawny owl or the creeper. The site is popular for its archaeological remains.

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By Gilles Rolland

Friday, December 9, 2022

Passionné de cinéma, de rock and roll, de séries TV et de littérature. Rédacteur de presse et auteur des livres Le Heavy Metal au cinéma, Paroles de fans Guns N' Roses, Paroles de fans Rammstein et Welcome to my Jungle : 100 albums rock et autres anecdotes dépareillées. Adore également voyager à la recherche des lieux les plus emblématiques de la pop culture.

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