

Saga John Wick
Movie John Wick : Chapter 4 Chad Stahelski (2023)
John Wick (Keanu Reeves) decides to travel to Jordan to execute the Elder (George Georgiou), the only individual above the High Table, the criminal organization behind the hunt for him. A scene shot in the desert of Wadi Rum.
Wadi Rum
Wadi Rum. Wikimedia.

The only way for John Wick to find peace, and a semblance of freedom, is through death.

The Elder (George Georgiou)

John Wick 4 begins in the desert of Wadi Rum, where many feature films have been shot, such as Lawrence of Arabia, Red Planet, Transformers 2, Prometheus, The Martian, Aladdin, Dune and Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker.

John Wick on Mars

Wadi Rum gave director Chad Stahelski the opportunity to shoot the first horse chase of the fourth part of the John Wick saga. A scene also takes place on a natural esplanade offering a breathtaking view of the red desert lands, often used on the big screen to illustrate Martian adventures.

Lightning shoot in the desert

Chad Stahelski shot for three days in Wadi Rum, supported by a local team of eighty technicians. Indeed, like other teams before his, including David Lean’s on Lawrence of ArabiaChad Stahelski wanted to surround himself with local artisans to fully exploit his filming in Jordan, thus easily obtaining all the necessary authorizations. He also took the time to shoot a short video at the end of the shoot to thank the authorities for their full cooperation.


John Wick 4 was shot in five countries: the United States, Jordan, Japan, Germany and France.

John Wick 4 desert
John Wick 4. Introductory scene in the desert. All rights reserved: Lionsgate/Thunder Road Pictures.

Wadi Rum Protected Area

With its rugged terrain, Wadi Rum bears witness to over one hundred and twenty centuries of human history.

Located in the southwest of Jordan, Wadi Rum covers 742 km2. This wonderful valley with its ochre tones has several remarkable sites such as the Nabatean temple, the Lawrence spring, the Burrah Canyon, the famous Seven Pillars of Wisdom and the Burdah Rock Bridge. Wadi Rum is also a popular site for rock climbers and an exceptional filming location. Its majestic expanses and spectacular landforms have been featured in films such as The Martian, Aladdin, Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, Dune, Prometheus, Red Planet and of course Lawrence of Arabia.

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By Gilles Rolland

Friday, March 31, 2023

Passionné de cinéma, de rock and roll, de séries TV et de littérature. Rédacteur de presse et auteur des livres Le Heavy Metal au cinéma, Paroles de fans Guns N' Roses, Paroles de fans Rammstein et Welcome to my Jungle : 100 albums rock et autres anecdotes dépareillées. Adore également voyager à la recherche des lieux les plus emblématiques de la pop culture.

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