
Clamp Center

Movie Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
Now the dreadful Gremlins have invaded the Clamp Center, wreaked havoc and even appeared on television.
101 Park Avenue à New York by Americasroof sur Wikipédia anglais
101 Park Avenue à New York by Americasroof sur Wikipédia anglais

“As you probably know, an entire race of strange beings has invaded the building. And in an even more bizarre twist, one of the creatures. “Creatures.” Is that accurate? That one of these creatures is able to talk and he’s going to talk with us right now. “

Grandpa Fred (Robert Prosky)

The Gremlins is the Christmas saga to thrill and laugh! A diptych in which most of the scenes were shot in the Warner Bros. studios. in Burbank, Los Angeles. But if the first opus was entirely filmed in sets created from scratch, the second saw the technical teams shooting at 101 Park Avenue in New York.

The Gremlins, hideous creatures

In the first part of the saga in 1984, the spectators were introduced to awful beasts called the Gremlins. These crazy, bloodthirsty creatures were the offspring of Gizmo, the friendly little mogwai. His young owner, Billy (Zach Galligan) had not respected the instructions of Mr. Wing (Keye Luke): not to expose the mogwai to light, water and not to feed him after midnight. Disasters ensued throughout the city.

The Clamp Center invaded by Gremlins

However, everything was back to normal by the end of the first film. It was without counting on Joe Dante, haloed by a huge success after the broadcast of Gremlins. The second part of the saga was released in 1990, six years later than the first.

The Gremlins were back, even more crazy and bloodthirsty than in the first opus. They even invaded the Clamp Center, a building created by Daniel Clamp (John Glover). The director was inspired by Donald Trump for this character.

101 Park Avenue, a skyscraper for hell

In the Clamp Center, the Gremlins even appeared on Grandpa Fred’s TV show, then dressed as a vampire. The opportunity to deliver to the world their apocalyptic and crazy message.

While the entire first part was shot in a studio, the second part used the aura of 101 Park Avenue to represent the Clamp Center. A 49-story building, it was the ideal place to match the excessiveness of the Gremlins. However, the interior scenes were also shot in the studio.

As for the opening aerial shot of New York, it is an excerpt from the film Superman IV directed by Sidney J. Furie with Christopher Reeves.


In 1985, The Gremlins 1 won 5 Saturn Awards (Best Horror Film, Best Supporting Actress, Best Director, Best Music and Best Special Effects), rewarding science fiction, fantasy and horror films.

101 Park Ave

At 101 Park Avenue in New York, there is a 192-metre building.

The 101 Park Avenue skyscraper has 49 floors.

Built between 1979 and 1982, it is the star of Joe Dante’s film Gremlins 2 and Michel Petrucciani’s Looking Up video.

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By Damien Canteau

Monday, December 5, 2022

Passionné par l'Histoire, les animés, les Arts et la bande dessinée en particulier, Damien est le rédacteur en chef du site spécialisé dans le 9e art, Comixtrip.

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