
Bridge of corpses

Movie The French Dispatch Wes Anderson (2021)
"Eight-point-two-five bodies are pulled from the Blasé river each week. A figure which remains consistent despite population growth and advances in health and hygiene." So says the bicycle reporter Herbsaint Sazerac (Owen Wilson) when he stops at the bridge on the road to Paris. A sequence that justified some developments in this part of the city.
Pont Angoulême route de Paris - Crédit photo : Fantrippers

“Eight-point-two-five bodies are pulled from the Blasé river each week. A figure which remains consistent despite population growth and advances in health and hygiene.”

Herbsaint Sazerac (Owen Wilson)

If Angoulême and Gond-Pontrouve become Ennui-sur-Blasé in The French Dispatch, Wes Anderson’s tenth feature film, the river Le Touvre becomes Blasé. A river known in the story to be full of corpses fished out every week by an attendant working near the waterfalls. For this scene, very funny, Wes Anderson has rearranged the bridge to match the specifications of his film. Of course, in reality, there is no corpse in La Touvre.

The production of The French Dispatch has not failed to disrupt the daily life of the inhabitants of Angoulême. The latter have seen the arrival of many famous actors such as Bill Murray, Tilda Swinton or Owen Wilson. A team housed in the same hotel as Benicio del Toro recalled in the pages of Vanity Fair: “We were all staying in the same hotel, or almost. When I went down to dinner, I found myself in the middle of all these celebrities, all these actors that I admire. Henry Winkler sits down and… here I am talking to Fonzie about the series Happy Days ! It was a lot of fun. A bit like the Golden Globes but without the pressure, the speeches and the cameras.

A very symbolic gesture: Wes Anderson’s team ordered a local company to manufacture many charentaises, those comfortable felt slippers, to equip all the prisoners of the story centered around the person played by Benicio del Toro.


The French Dispatch was shot 100% in France, in the region of Angoulême.

The French Dispatch pont
The French Dispatch. Tous droits réservés : Searchlight Pictures/American Empirical Pictures/Indian Paintbrush/cott Rudin Productions.

239 Rte de Paris

Not far from the roundabout, this bridge spans the Touvre. A place frequented by many tourists because of the small waterfalls that can be admired there.

The Touvre borrows many meanders and divides several times during its crossing of Gond-Pontrouve. Left tributary of the Charente, the Touvre runs for 11.7 km and contributes to the charm of the city it waters. Particularly photogenic at Pontouvre and the Paris road bridge, it is particularly famous for its swans and trout. It is therefore acclaimed by fishermen.

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By Gilles Rolland

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Passionné de cinéma, de rock and roll, de séries TV et de littérature. Rédacteur de presse et auteur des livres Le Heavy Metal au cinéma, Paroles de fans Guns N' Roses, Paroles de fans Rammstein et Welcome to my Jungle : 100 albums rock et autres anecdotes dépareillées. Adore également voyager à la recherche des lieux les plus emblématiques de la pop culture.

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