
Comics L'amour n'a pas d'âge (2019)

L'amour n'a pas d'âge de Thibaut Lambert (Des ronds dans l'o)

L’amour n’a pas d’âge (Love has no age) is a comic strip created by Thibaut Lambert and the residents of the EHPAD of Saujon in Charente-Maritime.

Tous les fanspots de L'amour n'a pas d'âge

An elderly Colette arrives at an EPHAD. Even though she knows it was bound to happen, this stage of life marks the beginning of the end. Everyone knows that. Yet the elderly never stop wanting to enjoy life, to laugh, to have fun and above all to love. In this institution, Colette meets a man her own age and they fall in love. From laughter to laughter, this benevolent and slapstick comedy could well resemble a true story… in fact, I’m told that the author has met them. They even participated in the making of the story.

The Fantrippers Buying Board

LONDON map of 100 cult places (French Edition)

The London Fantrippers map, an original way to discover the British capital! Through 100 pop culture places, walk through its streets from another angle. Movies, TV shows, music, comics and novels, will allow you to spend a pleasant moment in the World City. With a folded format of 10 x 18 cm and an unfolded format of 60 x 54 cm, it slips easily into your pocket or your bag for easy reference.

Fantrippers' opinion
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Interest for fans

Value for money