
Tokyo Big Sight

Comics Dead dead demon's dededede destruction (2014)
2014 was a dark year for Tokyo. A gigantic alien spaceship is parked above the Japanese capital.
Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo International Exhibition Center, Koto, Tokyo, Japan by Morio (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo International Exhibition Center, Koto, Tokyo, Japan by Morio (CC BY-SA 3.0)

“-This is the flagship. According to the news, it was not supposed to be parked above the Setagama district.
– Pfff… We will be in the shade again and it will be cold.
– Frankly, I don’t think we care about that, do we?”

Three schoolgirls

Aliens over Tokyo Big Sight

Aliens invade Tokyo! The invaders’ UFO slowly approaches the city and flies over the Tokyo Big Sight. The first attack is launched just above the building.

The story takes place in 2014, three years after the appearance of this ship. This event resulted in the death of 95,000 victims.

And in the middle live two young teenagers

This unusual situation leaves Tokyoites unmoved. They got used to the presence of the machine. Sometimes, the relative calm is broken by the exit of small vessels from the big dark mass.

Among the inhabitants of the capital, two teenage friends are content to live normally. Kadode is introverted and pragmatic. Ôran is exuberant. They get along great and often play video games. Inio Asano tells of their camaraderie in the shadow of the alien ship.

From the strength of Dead Dead Demon’s Dededestruction

The manga has twelve volumes in France and the series is finished. It is therefore set in a contemporary and realistic Tokyo. Only the ship brings a science-fiction side to the plot imagined by Inio Asano.

Dead Dead Demon’s Dededededestruction has won numerous awards around the world. He was awarded the prestigious Shôgakukan Prize in 2021 and the Prize for Excellence at the Japan Media Arts Festival the following year. In France, the series received the Daruma for the best drawing at the Japan Expo Awards and its translator Thibaud Desbief, the Konishi prize in 2019.


Dead Dead Demon’s Dededededestruction received the Micheluzzi Award for Best Foreign Series in 2018

dead dead demon's dededede destruction 1 by Inio Asano (Kana)
dead dead demon’s dededede destruction 1 by Inio Asano (Kana)

Tokyo Big Sight

Tokyo Big Sight is a convention center in the Japanese capital.

Opened in 1996 in the Ariake district, the Tokyo Big Sight is composed of five buildings.

Its conference tower is original by its architecture. It has eight floors of 58 m high. Its appearance is made of four inverted pyramids.

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By Damien Canteau

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Passionné par l'Histoire, les animés, les Arts et la bande dessinée en particulier, Damien est le rédacteur en chef du site spécialisé dans le 9e art, Comixtrip.

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