
Port of Saint-Martin-de-Ré

Movie Ma famille t'adore déjà Alan Corno and Jérôme Commandeur (2016)
It is in the port of Saint-Martin-de-Ré that the famous annual sailboat race begins.
Marina of Saint-Martin-de-Ré
Marina of Saint-Martin-de-Ré - Credit : Pixabay

“We are witnessing our long-awaited sailboats leaving the harbor.”

Speaker of the race

Jean Périné (Thierry Lhermitte) wants to win the annual sailing race organized on the island, which starts in the port of Saint-Martin-de-Ré. He counts a lot on Julien (Arthur Dupont) whom he believes to be a sailing champion. But the latter has never set foot on a boat. This lie was invented by Éva (Déborah François), in order to impress her father and make it easier for Julien to join the family.

This race allows Julien and Corinne to assert themselves against this Parisian culture to which they do not belong.

Jérôme Commandeur, the director, wanted the plot of Ma famille t’adore déjà to revolve around the “vacheries” between family members, often received with great violence. At the microphone of Allociné, he gives the example of the character of Marie-Lau played by Marie-Anne Chazel talking to the character of Corinne played by Valerie Karsenti: “We will put Corinne at the end of the table so that she is closer to the kitchen.”


The duration of the film is 1 h 24 or 84 minutes

Scène au port de Saint-Martin-de-Ré dans Ma famille t'adore déjà !
Scene at the port of Saint-Martin-de-Ré in Ma famille t’adore déjà ! – Credit: Artémis Productions, HBB 26, Pathé and ARTEBIS Sprl
Scene at the port of Saint-Martin-de-Ré in Ma famille t'adore déjà !
Scene at the port of Saint-Martin-de-Ré in Ma famille t’adore déjà ! – Credit: Artémis Productions, HBB 26, Pathé and ARTEBIS Sprl

Port de Saint-Martin-de-Ré

The port of Saint-Martin-de-Ré is a marina welcoming all year long boaters wishing to make a stopover on the island of Ré.

Essential to the small town of Saint-Martin-de-Ré, the marina is an essential place to visit on the island of Ré. Many shops and restaurants are established all along the harbor.

Concerning the characteristics of the harbor, it has 220 places in the basin and on the quay, of which 40/50 are reserved for visitors.

The origins of the port date back to 1681. Indeed, following a three-month siege by the Duke of Buckingham, Vauban decided to build the fortifications and the citadel of the island between 1681 and 1685, while developing the port and its waterfront.

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By Damien Biju

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Passionné par le cinéma, les séries d'animations et les jeux vidéo, il rêve secrètement de voyager à travers le monde à la recherche des lieux les plus emblématiques de la pop culture à bord d'une Delorean.

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