
Port of La Pallice

Saga Tintin
Comics The Seven Crystal Balls Hergé (1948)
Rarely does Hergé use real places for the adventures of his reporter Tintin. La Rochelle and its port of La Pallice were an exception...
Port of La Pallice La Rochelle
"File:The Soviet cargo ship 'Новоку́йбышевск' ('Novokuybyshevsk') (1).jpg" by Jean-Pierre Bazard Jpbazard is marked with CC BY-SA 3.0.

“Why don’t we go and say hello to your friend Captain Chester? You told me yesterday that his freighter, the ‘Valmy’, was at La Rochelle…”

Tintin to Captain Haddock

Professor Cuthbert Calculus has disappeared! Captain Haddock, Tintin and Snowy are looking for him and first stop in Saint-Nazaire to find the trace of their friend. On the spot, the trio makes blank. Tintin then puts forward the idea of going to La Rochelle to see a friend of Captain Haddock.

Once in the port of La Pallice in the city of Charente, it is a new failure, the liner of the friend of Captain Haddock left the same morning. Dejected, the heroes walk along the docks and the sailor kicks a hat on the ground. A brick hidden under the galurin enrages the sea wolf who continues with his flowery language. A joke orchestrated by two children.

Snowy tries hard to present the hat to his master. Once, twice, three times, the reporter finds it strange that his faithful companion is so stubborn with this headgear. And for good reason, it is the one of Professor Cuthbert Calculus. While investigating, they soon realized that the professor had not been shipped to Saint-Nazaire, but to La Rochelle, from the port of La Pallice.

As a reminder of this adventure in La Rochelle, there is a store specially dedicated to comics and the Belgian reporter in the rue du Palais. Moreover, the album The Seven Crystal Balls has been translated into Charentais, decided by the founder of the store with some other enthusiasts. A detour to make, Mille Sabords!


240 million albums of Tintin’s adventures have been sold worldwide since the creation of the reporter.

Port La Pallice

The sixth largest seaport in France, the Port of La Pallice is the commercial port of La Rochelle, autonomous since 2006.

The history of the large seaport of La Rochelle began in 1890 with the opening of the port of La Pallice, inaugurated by the President of the Republic Sadi Carnot. Initially a receiving dock for wood imports from Africa, the port has evolved over time to become the commercial port of La Rochelle and one of the largest ports in France.

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Tintin Volume 13 - The Seven Crystal Balls

Resume: The world’s most famous travelling reporter is faced with an ancient Inca curse, which is causing its victims to fall into a life-threatening coma. The tomb of Rascar Capac has been unearthed! Would the mummy of Rascar Capac be at the origin of a curse?

Go with Tintin and Captain Haddock in search of Professor Calculus in this volume 13 of the adventures of the famous reporter.

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By Damien Duarte

Monday, May 2, 2022

Passionné par la culture pop depuis son enfance, ses références vont de Donald Duck à Batman en passant par Marty McFly. Fantripper dans l'âme, voyager sur les traces de Ghostbusters, James Bond ou des héros de romans comme Cotton Malone fait partie d'un séjour idéal et réussi !

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