
Openaire Restaurant

Movie You People Kenya Barris (2023)
After meeting her out of the blue in his car, which he mistook for an Uber vehicle, Ezra (Jonah Hill) invites Amira (Lauren London) to the table at Openaire Restaurant. A decisive scene shot on location by a Kenya Barris always anxious to exploit authentic places.

“Your family, my family, I don’t think I have the strength.”

Amira (Lauren London)

It is in the original and distinguished setting of the Openaire Restaurant, within the Line Hotel, that director Kenya Barris filmed the first date of Ezra (Jonah Hill) and Amira (Lauren London). The meeting takes place under the sublime glass roof of the establishment.

An exceptional place

Impossible for Kenya Barris to use places built in studio. From the beginning of the production, his team went around Los Angeles to ask for the filming authorizations. The Openaire Restaurant is one of the selected locations. With its atypical architecture and its original atmosphere, this place is one of the most beautiful in the film. The starting point of the love story between the main characters, it sets the tone for their romance.

In search of authenticity

You People stands out for its casting. A cast based around Jonah Hill and Lauren London that Kenya Barris has exploited to spice up his story, as he explained to Screenrant: “Authenticity. I think that Jonah represents a LA Jewish Jew in a way that you haven’t really seen before. And Lauren is LA royalty from the hood.

Collection of places

In the end, You People tells its story through an impressive collection of film locations that can be visited. Far from the studios, director Kenya Barris wanted to pay homage to his city through easily identifiable locations, to set scenes whose strength also comes from their location.


You People is the third film produced by Jonah Hill.

You People Openaire
You People Openaire Restaurant. All rights reserved: Netflix.


With its leafy decor, beautifully laid out tables and glass roof, this restaurant is one of the most popular in Los Angeles.

Chef Josiah Citrin reigns supreme with his two stars in the Michelin guide, over the cuisine of this establishment. Particularly popular for its brunch, the Openaire also hosts private events. Located on the prestigious Wilshire Boulevard, it highlights the talent and know-how of its chef and offers dishes made with noble, fresh and seasonal products, in a refined atmosphere, conducive to letting go.

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By Gilles Rolland

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Passionné de cinéma, de rock and roll, de séries TV et de littérature. Rédacteur de presse et auteur des livres Le Heavy Metal au cinéma, Paroles de fans Guns N' Roses, Paroles de fans Rammstein et Welcome to my Jungle : 100 albums rock et autres anecdotes dépareillées. Adore également voyager à la recherche des lieux les plus emblématiques de la pop culture.

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