
Miles Valencia offices

TV show Rabbit Hole (2023)
Miles Valence (Jason Butler Harner), a former collaborator of John Weir (Kiefer Sutherland) is the head of a large company located in a Manhattan building. A building actually located in downtown Toronto, Canada where the production of Rabbit Hole took place.
Richmond Adelaide Centre
Richmond Adelaide Centre by Canmenwalker. Wikimedia.

That is a bomb. I have just armed it. Don’t move. It’s rigged with motion sensors… You move, the bomb detonates. If I hear any alarms or sirens, I detonate the bomb. Understand?

John Weir (Kiefer Sutherland)

Several scenes were shot in front of the Richmond Adelaide Center in Toronto. This is where Miles Valance (Jason Butler Harner) is supposed to have his offices. Offices built in a studio by the Rabbit Hole teams. The exteriors, on the other hand, were shot on location, even if some adjustments were necessary to avoid betraying the true location of the building.

New York’s perfect understudy

Like New York, Toronto has many skyscrapers. The Richmond Adelaide Center, with its glass facade, evokes the buildings of Manhattan and particularly those of the financial district. The perfect place to locate the office of Miles Valence, the Rabbit Hole character played by Jason Butler Harner. The building has not been modified, unlike its square. A square where a fake New York subway entrance has been built. The huge statue of the artist Jaume Plensa, representing a head, was also masked.

A vulnerable hero

Unlike the character of Jack Bauer in 24, John Weir is notably characterized by his vulnerability. An aspect that did not escape his interpreter Kiefer Sutherland as he explained to Screenrant, underlining the joy he felt when he was offered the role: “I was such a huge fan of John and Glenn, and they’re such delicate writers. [There are] nuances, and the fact that they’ve woven comedy and a love story into what is a thriller, where the stakes are life and death? The balance all of those things together is pretty extraordinary. I was just really grateful that they called me first.


Rabbit Hole marks Kiefer Sutherland’s first collaboration with Meta Golding.

Rabbit Hole Kiefer Sutherland
Rabbit Hole Kiefer Sutherland. Tous droits réservés : Paramount.
Rabbit Hole
Rabbit Hole épisode 1. Tous droits réservés : Paramount.
Rabbit Hole
Rabbit Hole. Tous droits réservés : Paramount.
Rabbit Hole
Rabbit Hole s1e1. Tous droits réservés : Paramount.

Richmond-Adelaide Centre - 120 Adelaide

One of the most modern and tallest skyscrapers in Toronto, the Richmond Adelaide Center is home to the offices of several companies.

Located north of Old Toronto, the Richmond Adelaide Center gives the street a New York feel with its modern architecture and glass facade. Open to the public, it houses several restaurants and other cafes as well as shops. It also stands out thanks to the huge sculpture by Jaume Plensa entitled Dreaming. The latter, unveiled in 2020, represents a gigantic head.

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By Gilles Rolland

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Passionné de cinéma, de rock and roll, de séries TV et de littérature. Rédacteur de presse et auteur des livres Le Heavy Metal au cinéma, Paroles de fans Guns N' Roses, Paroles de fans Rammstein et Welcome to my Jungle : 100 albums rock et autres anecdotes dépareillées. Adore également voyager à la recherche des lieux les plus emblématiques de la pop culture.

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