
La Salpêtrière Clinic

Movie The Mad Women's Ball Mélanie Laurent (2021)
Eugenie (Lou de Laâge), a radiant and passionate young girl, is committed to La Salpêtrière by her family when they discover her gift.
Former hospital of the Navy in Rochefort
Former hospital of the Navy in Rochefort - Credit: Patrick Despoix, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

“Oh no not that, not that please. Theophile, not that, not the Salpêtrière! Please! Dad I’m not sick!”

Eugenie (Lou de Laâge) arriving at La Salpêtrière

A film adaptation of Victoria Mas’ novel Le Bal des Folles, the film tells the story of Eugenie (Lou de Laâge), a young girl living at the end of the 19th century who discovers a unique gift: the ability to hear and see the dead. When her family learns about it, she decides to commit Eugenie to La Salpêtrière where the eminent professor Jean-Martin Charcot (Grégoire Bonnet) runs the hysterical department.

Much of the action of the film takes place exclusively within the walls of the clinic. To represent the clinic, the teams turned to the former naval hospital in Rochefort. The building was abandoned and Mélanie Laurent immediately saw it as the ideal place to rebuild the sets for her film. She wanted to have one main location to represent La Salpêtrière, which the old hospital allowed.


Le Bal des folles is the first French film from Amazon studio.

Scene in the old hospital of the Navy in Le Bal des folles
Scene in the old Navy hospital in Le Bal des folles – Credit: Amazon Studios
Scène dans l'ancien hôpital de la Marine dans Le Bal des folles
Scene in the old Navy hospital in Le Bal des folles – Credit: Amazon Studios
Scène dans l'ancien hôpital de la Marine dans Le Bal des folles
Scene in the old Navy hospital in Le Bal des folles – Credit: Amazon Studios

Hôpital de la marine

The hospital of the Navy of Rochefort in Charente-Maritime is a former military hospital dating from the 18th.

Inaugurated in 1788, the former Hôpital de la Marine was a hospital reserved for soldiers, sailors and port workers. In addition to receiving the sick and wounded, the hospital devoted its southwest pavilion to the school of anatomy.

The botanical garden surrounding the hospital was enlarged in 1827, when a thermal spring with therapeutic applications was discovered. The hospital will become for a few years a thermal hospital before the pipe is blocked, abandoning the spring.

At the end of the 19th century, the botanical garden was abandoned, and from 1963 onwards, the teaching of medicine, and then of pharmacy in 1964, was definitively closed. In 1983, the government decided to close the hospital. The south-western pavilion was transformed into a museum, while the south-eastern pavilion was converted into apartments. As for the main building, it has been abandoned for several years, serving as a set for many films and series. In 2018, Rochefort acquired the land for a symbolic euro.

The structure of the building is inspired by the Royal Navy Hospital in Stonehouse. The Rochefort Navy Hospital is the first pavilion hospital in France. It has nine buildings that can house 1200 beds.

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