
La Salée Beach

Music Vingt Ans Jean-Louis Aubert (morceau - 2012)
"It's short 20 years. For me it's a lifetime. You are my whole life. And you're in my blood." With its lyrics echoing the scenario of the film Amitiés sincères, Jean-Louis Aubert's song evokes with nostalgia life and its propensity to pass too quickly, but also the values of love and friendship. A song whose clip takes place on the beach of La Salée.
Sainte-Marie-de-Ré. Wikimedia.

“It’s short 30 years. It’s beautiful like oblivion. You are my whole life. I wouldn’t know how to do without.”

Excerpt from Vingt ans, Jean-Louis Aubert

When Stéphan Archinard and François Prévôt-Leygonie asked Jean-Louis Aubert to write a song for the end credits of their first feature film, Amitiés sincères, he didn’t hesitate for a moment. Galvanized by the scenario, he puts all his talent to work to compose a nostalgic title. An ode to love that the audience adores without reservation.

In the wake of the shooting, Stéphan Archinard and François Prévôt-Leygonie shot the video clip of Vingt ans at the same place where the last scene ofAmitiés sincères takes place, namely on the beach of La Salée, in Sainte-Marie-de-Ré. Very simple, the video highlights the beautiful landscapes, without artifice, between two images extracted from the feature film. And if Jean-Louis Aubert never mentions the place, the inhabitants were quick to appropriate his song to make it one of their anthems.


Vingt ans is the only single from the album Live = Vivant.

Jean-Louis Aubert Vingt Ans
Vingt Ans par Jean-Louis Aubert. Tous droits réservés : Virgin.
Jean-Louis Aubert Vingt Ans
Vingt Ans par Jean-Louis Aubert. Tous droits réservés : Virgin.
Vingt Ans
Vingt Ans par Jean-Louis Aubert. Tous droits réservés : Virgin.

Plage de La Salée

Sainte-Marie-de-Ré has four beaches: Montamer beach, Basse Bénale, Port Notre-Dame and the inevitable La Salée beach.

Its fine sand and idyllic panorama have made La Salée one of the most popular beaches on the island of Ré. It is the place where everyone rushes to perfect their tan, enjoy the ocean or go for a walk. A spot also conducive to water sports. It is also a famous surfing spot and many fishermen have made it their headquarters when the weather permits. The surrounding nature also encourages beautiful walks in all seasons.

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By Gilles Rolland

Monday, May 2, 2022

Passionné de cinéma, de rock and roll, de séries TV et de littérature. Rédacteur de presse et auteur des livres Le Heavy Metal au cinéma, Paroles de fans Guns N' Roses, Paroles de fans Rammstein et Welcome to my Jungle : 100 albums rock et autres anecdotes dépareillées. Adore également voyager à la recherche des lieux les plus emblématiques de la pop culture.

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