
Griffith Observatory

Movie Rebel Without a Cause Nicholas Ray (1955)
The rise of James Dean was as dazzling as it was brief. A shooting star who lit up the skies of Hollywood a few years before disappearing into the night, leaving to posterity major films like La Fureur de vivre. A trace still visible on the side of the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.
Griffith Observatory Los Angeles
Griffith Observatory Los Angeles. Photo credit: Mark Thomas from Pixabay

“Like even today. I woke up this morning, you know? And the sun was shining and everything was nice. Then the first thing that happens is I see you and I thought this is going to be one terrific day so you better live it up, boy, ’cause tomorrow maybe you’ll be nothing.”

Jim Stark (James Dean)

On his way to fame, James Dean signed with Warner to star in Nicholas Ray’s new project, Rebel Whithout a Cause. While all the spotlights are on him, James Dean encourages the studio by his presence alone to increase the film’s budget.

Initially planned for a modest B-movie style black and white shoot, Rebel Whithout a Cause becomes a major feature film and even uses the innovative CinemaScope process, developed a few months earlier in 1953.

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Cult! movies: 100 mythical places of cinema [French Edition]

Want to know more about this place and its connection to Rebel Whithout a Cause? Find the whole story and 99 others in the book Cult! cinema!

Shot in Los Angeles, the film features the Griffith Observatory in the famous knife fight sequence. Since the confrontation, the place has not changed. Only the skyline of the city has evolved. On the esplanade, a bust of James Dean was erected as a tribute. A statue that it would be good to touch to see his dreams come true.


James Dean shot twice at the Griffith Observatory. The first one for a commercial and the second one for Rebel Whithout a Cause.

Scène au Griffith Observatory dans La Fureur de vivre
Scène au Griffith Observatory dans La Fureur de vivre – Crédit : Warner bros pictures
Scène au Griffith Observatory dans La Fureur de vivre
Scène au Griffith Observatory dans La Fureur de vivre – Crédit : Warner bros pictures
Scène au Griffith Observatory dans La Fureur de vivre
Scène au Griffith Observatory dans La Fureur de vivre – Crédit : Warner bros pictures

Griffith Observatory

Built in 1935, the Griffith Observatory is a recognizable astronomical observatory.

Located on the Mount Hollywood at 300m of altitude, the place is particularly appreciated by the tourists and the inhabitants.

Projections at the planetarium, scientific exhibitions or simply for the incredible panorama, the reasons to come to the observatory are numerous.

It owes its name to Colonel Griffith J. Griffith (1850-1919) who donated land and funds to build an observatory in order to make astronomy accessible to all.

This incredible donation hides a much sadder story. In 1903, Griffith shot his wife while they were staying at the Arcadia Hotel in Santa Monica. He did not kill her, but he did cause her to lose the use of her right eye and disfigure her. He was sentenced to two years in prison.

When he was released, the “philanthropist” made his substantial donation to Los Angeles as a “Christmas present”, to redeem himself and thus go down in history not as a murderer, but as a lover of science.

Moreover, his title of colonel does not appear on any official register.

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By Gilles Rolland

Monday, October 17, 2022

Passionné de cinéma, de rock and roll, de séries TV et de littérature. Rédacteur de presse et auteur des livres Le Heavy Metal au cinéma, Paroles de fans Guns N' Roses, Paroles de fans Rammstein et Welcome to my Jungle : 100 albums rock et autres anecdotes dépareillées. Adore également voyager à la recherche des lieux les plus emblématiques de la pop culture.

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