
Circuit du Val de Vienne

Movie Dynamic Vienne Olivier Chavarot (1993)
The adventures of Tom (Jean-Philippe Bèche), a young groom-to-be who is late for his own wedding, take him to the four corners of the Vienne region, including the Circuit du Val de Vienne.
Circuit du Val de Vienne Le Vigeant
"File:Alfa Romeo 179D, Circuit du Val de Vienne 2016 (32769863460).jpg "by Falcon® Photography from France is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

“Mais la Vienne, c’est aussi le golf, le tennis, les sports nautiques et même… Le sport automobiiiiiiiile.”

Le Guerliguet (Jean-Yves Tual)

After flying Tom (Jean-Philippe Bèche) over the Vienne river, putting him on a boat at full speed and manhandling him in a golf cart, the Guerliguet had another surprise in store for him, a Formula 3 race. Riding on the asphalt of the circuit du Val de Vienne alongside other drivers, the machine ends up off the track to land in the middle of town and terrorize passers-by.

On location, director Olivier Chavarot was hoping for bright sunshine for optimal natural light shooting. On the day of the shooting, thick black clouds await the team. After a few cranks, the result is perfect. These cumulus clouds finally add an “additional drama” to the scene, according to Olivier Chavarot. Perfect for vehicles that run like lightning.


These “little machines” can reach a top speed of 300 km/h.

Scene Circuit du Val de Vienne Le Vigeant Dynamic Vienne
Scene Circuit du Val de Vienne Le Vigeant Dynamic Vienne. Photo credit: Futuroscope, Bakelite and Saligna and so on
Scene Circuit du Val de Vienne Le Vigeant Dynamic Vienne
Scene Circuit du Val de Vienne Le Vigeant Dynamic vienne. Photo credit: Futuroscope, Bakelite and Saligna and so on

Circuit du Val de Vienne

Created in 1990, the Circuit du Val de Vienne welcomes apprentice drivers as well as more experienced ones on several tracks.

René Monory, a French statesman who was successively president of the General Council of Vienne, minister of education and president of the Senate, was also a car racing fan. Wishing to revitalize his native region, he founded the Circuit du Val de Vienne.

Its numerous tracks, the longest of which is 3,768 meters, make the circuit one of the most popular. It hosts several competitions, driving courses but also the unmissable event Sport et Collection – 500 Ferraris against cancer, the proceeds of which are donated to the oncology department of the Poitiers University Hospital.

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By Damien Duarte

Monday, January 3, 2022

Passionné par la culture pop depuis son enfance, ses références vont de Donald Duck à Batman en passant par Marty McFly. Fantripper dans l'âme, voyager sur les traces de Ghostbusters, James Bond ou des héros de romans comme Cotton Malone fait partie d'un séjour idéal et réussi !

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