
Address Place du Jeu de Balle Pl. du Jeu de Balle, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

The place du jeu de balle is located in the heart of the popular district of Marolles in Brussels.

Famous thanks to Tintin and his album Le secret de la licorne, the place du jeu de balle smells good the atmosphere of the Belgian capital.

In 1853, it was laid out on the site of a former locomotive factory. At that time, the inhabitants played ball pelota, a very popular sport in the 20th century.

Twenty years later, the town council decided to install the old market there, hence its former name: the Old Market Square.

From 6 am to 2 pm on weekdays and from 6 am to 3 pm on weekends, the merchants unpack their goods.

This district has 500 stores, boutiques and stalls. Walkers or tourists can also enjoy the parish church of Notre-Dame-Immacumée dating from 1862 and the old fire station of Brussels dating from 1860.

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